Hip Replacement Surgery

What is hip surgery?

Hip surgery is a specialised procedure that treats hip pain and various hip-related conditions. It is minimally invasive and causes minor damage to the hip tissue, ensuring optimal muscle and joint function. During the procedure, your natural hip joint is replaced with artificial parts that function the same.

What conditions does hip surgery treat?

Hip pain and inflammation are the main reasons that you may need hip surgery, but it can also address several concerns and conditions that you may be facing.

These include:

  • Hip fracture, dislocation and other injuries
  • Osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis
  • Hip joint tumour
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Childhood hip disorders

What is hip pain?

Many believe hip pain is felt on the side of your hip, but in actuality, hip joint pain will be felt closer to the groin and the front of your leg. You may also experience pain in the buttock that travels down your leg.

Hip pain will most often be experienced when walking, sitting for long periods and performing movements that impact the hip joint.

What are the symptoms of hip pain?

Experiencing pain after strenuous movement or in small bouts now and then is not uncommon. However, when the pain starts interfering with your quality of life and affecting your range of motion, it could indicate that you require hip replacement surgery.

Common symptoms of debilitating hip pain include:

  • Pain in the groin, front of the hip or buttock
  • Stiffness of the hip
  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain
  • Loss of motion and inability to walk
  • Struggling to bend or sit for extended periods

How is hip surgery performed?

Before surgery, you will need to undergo several tests and analyses to determine if you are fit for surgery and the best course of action in your case.

Dr Thato Mniki aims to use minimally invasive techniques wherever possible to speed up recovery and limit the damage to the hip tissue and muscle. He will discuss this with you prior to surgery and explain the process in detail.

You may need to stay in the hospital overnight, depending on the outcome of the surgery. You will receive an intravenous drip and general anaesthesia to numb your body and allow you to sleep during the surgery.

Dr Mniki will make an incision to access the head of the femur and remove the ball joint. He then inserts the new prosthesis, a titanium metal stem and cup with a ceramic femoral head. Any damaged or old cartilage is removed before the prosthesis is attached to your femur. Finally, Dr Mniki will bend and move your leg to assess the function before stitching the incision and concluding the surgery.

Once awake, you should instantly feel less pain in your hip. You will also have a physiotherapist present to teach you movements to practice and to help you adjust after surgery.

What is the recovery process?

A physiotherapist will work with you to help you walk and go to the bathroom immediately after surgery. They will also demonstrate techniques and exercises to perform at home during your recovery process.

Before being discharged, Dr Mniki will provide you with a comprehensive care guide and assess your mobility.

What are the risks involved?

Hip replacement surgery is a safe procedure with a low risk of complications. However, there are always risks involved with any surgery.

Potential issues include:

  • Blood loss, leading to a transfusion
  • Infection of the hip joint
  • Damage to the tissue, bone or nerve
  • Blood clots
  • Dislocation of the hip joint
  • Unresolved stiffness and pain

Dr Mniki will advise you on the potential risks involved before the procedure and monitor your progress during surgery and rehabilitation.

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